I live in London, For my GCSES I got: 3 A's 2 B's and 5 C's2 of those A's are in Art and Textiles, My university options are in order as to which I want to go to the most: 1) University of Manchester-MSA 2) Liverpool 3) Sheffield 4) Kent 5) Westminster I think I'll be predicted: AAC/ABB/ABC I really, really want to go to Manchester, it's felt like my soul city always, its sad because I don't ...
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Manchester is a really good university but the issue is its size. It is one of the largest universities by student numbers and this would affect the perceived prestige. For the courses that they are good at, they are among the very best.
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Manchester University Accommodation Swaps Official thread 2024 Started by: 04MR17 Forum: University of Manchester
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Hi there, Welcome to the official University of Manchester Applicant Thread for 2024! Here, you have the opportunity to meet and chat with fellow applicants and ask any questions you want regarding applying to University of Manchester.
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Official University of Manchester Offer Holders Thread for 2024 entry; Maths equivalency test at MMU; wrexham university. Adult Nursing (Uni of Manchester) Help me pick 5 university; City University of London 2023 Applicants Thread; Architecture in Bath or AA school of architecture; Help!!!! Mature student - nursing; MSc Nursing and Physician ...
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Im planning on taking a gap year next year so I was wondering of applying to Manchester uni for economics. Ive never seen the campus or the actual uni but have heard good things about it and just wanted any advice from current Manchester uni applicants and applicants that have applied their for their respective courses.
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Official: University of Manchester A106 2024 Entry Applicants. reubenn05. Universities Forum Helper. 15.
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1) im taking physics, chemistry, maths, further maths (option modules of further pure 1, further pure 2, further mechanics 1, further mechanics 2) 2) physics and maths, absolutely love both subjects but for quite different reasons, i like pure maths and i find some of the maths in physics not too interesting, i want to be able to do group theory and set theory and more pure maths topics 3 ...
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Official University of Manchester 2025 Applicant Thread. University of Manchester. 42. 48. Last reply 3 ...
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